Friday, May 25, 2012

Tips on Saving a Marriage

It is easy to get into a relationship but difficult to maintain it. Often people get into a relationship with the feeling of long lastingness but finally end up getting divorced. There are many ways for saving a marriage, but they require some special qualities from both the husband and the wife. It is commonly seen that love marriages are less reliable than arrange marriage. Some of the main causes that lead to separation are ego, misunderstanding, lack of faith, busy schedules, different thinking, anger, one sided family support, mutual understanding, career, and so on.

Two married people finally think of separation when they have become over-obsessed with one another. In most of the cases, two people get enough time to rethink about their relationship before they actually get divorced or separated. If you really love your partner and want to spend your whole life with them, then this is the right time to try your best so that your partners change their decision of getting divorced. Some of the best ways to save a marriage are given which if followed with full devotion will yield positive results.

• Request your partner to give you some time so that you can explain them your situation and problems. You will have to make your partner feel that after getting separated, your life will become miserable and you need them in every walk of life. Don't get distressed or disheartened when they give rude replies. Instead keep on trying hard because hard work brings success one day. You will have to be very calm, polite, humble, and patient if you really want to save your marriage.

• Request your partner to give you a last chance so that you are able to prove your point, if your relationship is ending because of some misunderstanding between you and your partner. Moreover, you will have to work hard to collect all possible proofs which will convince your partner that you are guilty or wrong. On the other hand if you have committed some mistake because of which your relationship is going to finish, don't feel bad or guilty by realizing your mistake and saying sorry to your partner. Say those things which will make them believe that you will not commit the same mistake in future. Your first and foremost priority should be to win the confidence and trust of your partner so that you are successful in saving a marriage.

• Give yourself some time and think about the reasons and issues which are leading you both to this situation. Instead of finding faults in your partner and making them feel that your marriage is ending because of them, you should realize your mistakes. Ponder on those situations when you were very rude with your partner or treated them cruelly. Think about what you have given to your partner and what did they demand or expected from you. After finding your fault, try to think of ways which will help you to win back your love. Remember that it is easy to find faults in other but difficult to rectify your faults.

• When you have realized your mistake, try to correct them by changing the features which your partner doesn't like in you. Bring them some gifts or things which they like or expect from you. Try to make them feel that they are very precious for you and you don't want to live without them. If your partner is staying away from you, then give them a surprise visit with flowers and gifts. Spend some time with them and explain them your feelings and emotions.

• If you have children and then too you both are getting divorced, then you have taken an absolutely wrong decision. Husband and wife often think of getting divorced or separated but don't think about their children's future. They don't worry about the impact which your separation will put in their mind. Both the father and mother are equally important for a child. The child needs both of them to take right decisions in their life and career. So before filing for divorce, just think about your children and their future and surely this method will help you in saving a marriage.

• If your wife or husband is not attractive or have some bad habits like smoking, drinking, etc. and as a result, you are thinking of separating with them, then think calmly. Finishing a relationship will affect lives of many people including your family and friends. Running away from a situation is not a solution to it and you have to become determined to change your partner with your love and devotion. You can explain them that how their bad habits are ruining your life and relationship. Tell them that you love them and because you care for them you are asking them to leave their bad habits.

• You can take help of a middleman for saving a marriage. The mediator can be your friend, relative, or some other family member. They will explain your partner about your feelings and how much you are attached to them. They will also come to know the reason why your partner is unhappy with you so that you can correct your mistakes.

A healthy relationship, especially marriage needs a huge amount of trust, understanding, love, care, concern, time, and space. If you are trying to save a marriage then you need to have all these qualities. Don't get depressed if your partner is not very beautiful, instead look at those qualities which make them different from other. Marriages are made in heaven but they have to be dealt with, on the earth. You can have a happy married life only if you have the willingness and determination to face all the obstacles coming in your way with perfection. Remember that every night is an indication of a beautiful day which is coming ahead. Don't lose hope in saving a marriage because you never know what destiny holds for you.

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